
Zcloud hours
Zcloud hours

At the end of the development cycle, ESP participants and IBM gained early insight into the installation process, discovering it could be completed in as little as one day. IBM interviewed customers and Business Partners and used IBM Design Thinking principles to help set the technical direction for this IBM Z offering and ensure the project stayed on the right path.


These organizations were able to order, receive and install early offerings to deploy and test, giving IBM the opportunity to validate design and performance results. IBM engaged with more than 80 customers and Business Partners while designing the system, and more than 10 customers participated in its Early Support Program (ESP). Since the April launch, the new single frame IBM Z (the ZR1) has been earning kudos from customers.

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Not only is it 40 percent smaller than its predecessor, it also offers 10 percent more capacity, with cabling and airflow redesigned to align with data center standards.

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If you’ve ever dreamed about packing mainframe processing power, robust security, cloud capabilities and powerful analytics into your data center, then now is the time to grab this new-generation IBM Z.

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In response to the desires of cloud service providers, managed service providers and enterprise customers, the now broadly-available IBM Z mainframe features a 19-inch industry-standard rack that fits neatly onto just two data center floor tiles in public and private cloud environments. Today IBM announces the availability of its cloud-ready IBM z14 based on a single-frame design, originally unveiled in April 2018.

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